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Over 100 terrorists killed, significant enemy equipment destroyed: Niger’s army

NIAMEY, Sept. 18 (Xinhua) — More than 100 terrorists have been “neutralized” and significant enemy equipment destroyed, thanks to coordination between Nigerien ground and air forces, on Sunday in Niaktiré, near the commune of Makalondi in the Tillabéry region (west), reported the army on Wednesday in a news bulletin.
According to the bulletin, a unit of the Nigerien Defense and Security Forces (FDS) stationed in Niaktiré was targeted in a terrorist attack on Sunday afternoon.
“Hordes of criminals, coming in hundreds, launched the assault but faced fierce resistance. Our soldiers, showing remarkable courage, held their position bravely, inflicting heavy losses on the enemy,” the army said.
“In response to the intensity of the attack, two units of special forces were quickly deployed as reinforcements — one from Torodi and the other from Makalondi. Simultaneously, air assets were mobilized to carry out targeted strikes, annihilating the attackers to their last stronghold,” it added.
Furthermore, ground units’ sweeping operations revealed “new enemy bodies as well as dozens of motorcycles, some riddled with bullets and others completely burnt.”
Despite this achievement, the FDS mourned the loss of five soldiers, and 27 others were injured, none of whom are in critical condition. They have been evacuated to Niamey for necessary medical care.
The highest authorities of the country have commended the unwavering commitment of the Nigerien armed forces in defending national integrity.
These areas are located in the “three borders” region (Niger-Mali-Burkina Faso), a new hub of insecurity in the extreme southwest of the country, fueled in recent years by other jihadist groups. ■
